
Growth and diversity

Through clearing, you can increase forest growth while preserving its diversity. Clearing creates variety and is an investment for the future.

Clearing is one of the most important actions in the forest. All too often this action is de-prioritized or postponed due to lack of time. Clearing is also considered a cost, which in itself is short-sighted, but it is one of the most crucial actions to achieve your forestry goals. Clearing is truly an investment for the future!

By clearing a stand, you can enhance the growth and vitality of the trees while preserving forest diversity. By regulating the mix of tree species, density and stratification, you establish the direction for further management. A cleared stand can then be thinned a few years earlier than an uncleared stand. Similarly, the cleared stand has a higher average diameter, which results in a larger average stem on the day it is time to thin. You also benefit from a better developed root system and better possibilities to withstand future storms. When it comes to the quality of future stands, it can be said that 90 percent of the quality is determined during clearing and first thinning, after which it is difficult to influence the future stand from a quality point of view.

An important aspect of clearing is to combine clearing with measures to create fodder for wild animals. RASE, rowan, aspen, willow and oak, should always be saved and mainly oak and willow should be cleared to increase the amount of fodder. Similarly, previously grazed pine trees should be top-cut. In this way you can reduce game damage to future main stems.

Frödinge Hällerum AB has the resources, through our skilled contractors, to help you with all or part of the clearing measures. If this is of interest to you, please contact us for an unconditional discussion.