
Environmental policy for Frödinge Hällerum Timber AB/Frödinge Hällerum Skog AB

Frödinge Hällerum Timber AB / Frödinge Hällerum Skog AB shall, as a consumer of forest raw material and with a wood processing industry, work to ensure that the business is conducted in the most environmentally friendly way possible, for the environment and for the employees.

We shall comply with applicable legislation and follow the requirements and intentions of PEFC and FSC® (FSC-C125276), and ensure as far as possible that the raw material does not come from illegal or unauthorized logging, key biotopes, forest areas where customary or civil rights are violated, forests where high conservation values are threatened, genetically modified trees or natural forests that have been harvested for plantations or non-forest land use.

Comply with the ILO core conventions in force:

  • Child labour
  • Forced labour
  • Discrimination in the workplace
  • Joining trade unions and collective agreements

Operations shall be conducted and improved in such a way as to reduce any negative impact on the environment.

As far as possible, the raw material shall come from environmentally friendly certified forestry. Frödinge Hällerum Timber AB / Frödinge Hällerum Skog AB shall work to increase this volume.

We will responsibly fulfill our commitments to employees, society, the environment and contractors.

Staff shall be trained and informed to meet the above requirements and intentions.

Angelica Karlsson, CEO Frödinge Hällerum Timber AB
Joakim Rosén, CEO Frödinge Hällerum Skog AB