
Creating conditions

By thinning the forest at the right time, with the right harvest, with the right selection of trees and machines, you create both economic and environmental benefits. By thinning out stems of inferior quality or reduced growth, you increase the production of valuable timber.

We consider thinning your forest to be a matter that goes without saying. Similarly, thinning should aim to improve the quality and production of the stand, not to make money in the short term. Thinning the forest in time, with the right extraction and the right selection of trees and with the right machines is also a given. The usual practice is to thin between one and three times during a rotation period. The trees that are suitable for the location or site are left standing, while the focus can be on both production and/or natural value.

Frödinge Hällerum AB cooperates with several main contractors when it comes to thinning. Through a wide range of different machine types, we are prepared for everything from smaller first thinnings to larger timber stands.

Frödinge Hällerum AB has the resources to help you with all or part of your thinning needs through our skilled contractors. If this is of interest to you, please contact us for an unconditional discussion.