Astrid Lindgren's Vimmerby ensures growth of the Vimmerby pine tree

Forestry measures for Astrid Lindgrens Vimmerby

We like local partnerships and working locally. Therefore, we are particularly pleased to be able to do forestry measures for Astrid Lindgren's Vimmerby, to which we delivered our own FH plant during the spring and early summer, driven by cones from the Vimmerby pine. The area was cut as a result of spruce bark beetle infestation and is now being planted with the aim of becoming a mixed forest with pine and leaves, for residents in the surrounding area and visitors to Astrid Lindgren's World and Astrid Lindgren's Näs to walk in.

Vimmerby pine is known for its excellent quality. Quality is our hallmark and therefore we want to protect the Vimmerby pine. This is why we pick cones from it ourselves, which we then grow seedlings from. All to ensure that we have the Vimmerby pine left in the area even in 100 years. The beauty of this is that you, your children and grandchildren will be able to roam among tall and narrow-crowned Vimmerby pines even in 30, 50 and 70 years.